Saturday, June 27, 2009

As Michael Jackson Once Said.......


Friday, June 26, 2009

I Must Be A Twit

..........if that's what you call someone who can't figure out Twitter. I'm just Tweetarded I guess.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

I'm Thinking of Going Hiking

My buddy Mark says he knows some good spots for hiking. I wonder if my family will miss me while I'm out communing with nature?

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


How geeks make money.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Climax is NOT Just a City in Michigan

The Today Show had a story this morning about a Belfast Medical team that had developed a treatment for men who suffer from premature climax. It was an interesting story and the evidence shows that the treatment has, and will, help countless couples, but I don't believe that men "suffer" from this condition. I think the women in their lives suffer, not them.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Business Finance 101

Companies measure their potential for growth by evaluating their Earnings to Assets (E/A) ratio. This ratio gives them a measure of how much of the money they spend on expansion comes from their profits or from borrowing. Growth cannot be sustained with excessive borrowing so the higher this value is, the better.

Also, nearly every corporation in the world touts that their employees are their biggest asset. With this in mind let's examine ways to improve E/A ratios. If earnings are driven by the market and the market is down, what would a company have to do to increase its E/A? You do the math.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Adventure Vacations

A lot of news shows like to showcase what we fondly call "adventure vacations", where people get some restorative benefit by risking their lives involved in dangerous activities. Today on Weeked Today I saw a story about a company that sells week long vacations where you "swim with sharks". In good journalistic style they tempered the positive aspects of this activity by reporting about a guy who bled to death after being bit. Personally, driving to work everyday is dangerous enough for me.

There are any number of other adventure vacations people can have that involve some verb performed with some noun. A short list might be climbing with Sherpas or hiking with snow shoes or skydiving with instructor or jumping with bungee or hunting with shotguns (Dick Cheney). This year I've decided to take adventure vacation. I think I'll run with scissors.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Young people today..............they have a knack for making descriptive words by combining two or more words. Like my sons and I were sitting around chillaxing at our hotel on our first night in NYC. I particularly like combining the word chill with other words and fancy myself to be a chillanthropologist; a person who studies how people chill. If you think about it, the chillanthropology profession has been around a long time. In my day we called them gurus.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Hershey's Squirts

The weather was nice this past weekend. It was warmer than it has been in a long time. It's probably safe to say that the hot chocolate season has ended, which makes me think of how I make hot chocolate and how I might describe it.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Big Cities

Now that I've had the NYC experience it's nice to reflect on that experience and compare it to others I've had. I've been to a number of big cities in my lifetime. The list includes London, Chicago and LA, but the only city with a similar crush of people that I've visited is Mexico City. Driving in either city is not for the timid and even if you are brave enough to drive, there's no place to park once you've arrived.

The traffic is very similar in both cities except there are no people wandering in the streets of NYC selling soft drinks and snacks to hapless drivers stranded in the crawl. I do believe there are more people in NYC who speak Spanish as a first language, though.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Greg

Greg and I went to see the Weekend Today Show yesterday on our last day in NYC. It was his birthday. Coincidentally it was Lester Holt's birthday too. What a thrill for Greg to get happy birthday wishes from Mr. Holt on national television. He told me after the show that he'll "have bragging rights at school tomorrow".

We stuck around long enough to get a mug shot with Peter Alexander, who was at the news desk that day. The crowd on the plaza quickly thins once the "Big Names" go inside. That concept wasn't lost on Pete since he had to introduce himself to us by name before we got the snap shot. A good time was had by all.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Good 'Ol What's His Name

Me and my boys are in NYC today. The older one, Joe, has an interview at a medical college named after a famous guy with bushy gray hair and eyebrows and mustache that match. I've got it narrowed down to two potential names. I hope my Garmin can find the right one so we won't be late.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Cities in New York

I'm going to New York City this week and it made me think about cities in general and the people who live in them. New York is an "er" city where the people who live there are New Yorkers. Other "er" cities would be Detroit, Berlin, London and Cleveland.

Other cities are "ian" or "an" cities. Paris is an example where the people are called Parisians. Others that come to mind are Philadelphia, Chicago, Rome, Atlanta and scores of others.

What do you call the people from Coxsackie?

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


To most of us mushrooms are a fleshy, spore-bearing fungus that humans use for a variety of reasons, mostly as food. Besides the obvious images we have of mushrooms as foods, medicines, dyes and psychotropic agents, mushrooms can inspire other images.

Shiitake can be for folks who don't take shii from anyone. If I have Portobello on my pizza I'll get a portly belly. In Germany you can order dinners with either Pilz or Champignon; who wants to swallow some bitter pilz when they can have the Breakfast of Champignons.

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Dating Scene

Just for grins I went cruising on eHarmony to check out the available ladies on the market in Kabul. These girls were looking for a Sheik or Imam with a little extra room in the tent for some free spirited fun loving companions. These girls like hiking, camping and occasionally hunting or other outdoor activities like laundry and raising children. They love warm summer nights and long walks on the beach.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Oldest Footprint

AOL dot com ran a cover news story yesterday titled "Oldest Human Footprints Found". It had the photo above next to the headline. It grabbed my attention and I thought I'd be reading a fascinating story about a human footstep that was dated at about 1.5 million years. Come to find out that the real story was about a 140 year old guy from a nursing home in New Jersey who had wondered off in a demented state. The authorities were able to find him by following his footprints in the mud outside the nursing home.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Well, Governor

There are a few pundits out there these days that are speculating that the Governor of Louisiana wants to run for president of the United States of America. He would then join the ranks of other nicknamed presidents like, George "The Father of His Country" Washington, Thomas "The Sage of Monticello" Jefferson, Abraham "Honest Abe" Lincoln, Richard "Tricky Dick" Nixon, Bill "Slick Willy" Clinton and George "Dubya" Bush. What would be a good nickname for our friend, the governor? Bobby "Catfish" Jindal has a nice ring. I wonder what Jim Hunter would say about that?

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Winners at the Golf Outing

Company golf outings are a great place to meet and socialize with your colleagues, especially if you work out of the office at a customer location. It's pretty hard to impress your bosses if they never see you. Actually, you can be more productive without meddling from the boss, which is a good thing, but that's another story. I went to my company's golf outing last summer so as not to be completely invisible and possibly score some points in case there is a need to choose new sides in the proverbial corporate baseball game.

The event was a round of scramble golf with adult beverages and snacks at strategic points along the course followed by a lunch, management doublespeak and door prizes. This was the event where I got to break bread with my new Gymboree buddies, Jim and Russ. The day was hot and eighteen holes of golf had taken their toll on me. By the time I had a couple beers and a bite to eat, I was practically sleeping sitting up. Not to miss out on the prizes, I gave my ticket to one of the guys at my table and asked him to collect my prize, should my number come up. It was a long drive home.

I had almost forgotten that I was in the running for a door prize until my friend called me to tell me that I had won a Detroit Redwings T-shirt. I had seen the shirt on the prize table and thought to myself that it was better than a sharp stick in the eye. He would come down and drop it off to me later in the week. While we were chatting he told me that he had also won a door prize. His prize was not a Redwings T-shirt but four box seat tickets to a Detroit Tigers game at Comerica Park....... and a parking pass. How lucky could he get? What are the odds that he was holding two tickets and his was the one that won one of the big prizes? :)

Monday, February 23, 2009

A Tasty Oscar

A. R. Rahman won an Oscar for Best Original Music Score for "Slumdog Millionaire". Word is that the music was great, but I like his noodles. They go great as a side dish in meat entrées and I ate a lot of them when I was in college.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Hard Times and Thrift

You can't go anywhere lately without hearing or seeing some news about our broken economy. Hard times are starting to hit close to home and seems to be spreading. One of my friends told me yesterday that thrift is becoming more in fashion around his house. He told me he finds himself reusing sandwich bags, which he'd never done before. That's probably a good idea unless you've already used it to pick up pet droppings.

Thanks to blogger EUREKA POZ for the image.

Monday, February 16, 2009


I came home once and discovered that someone had come into my home and stole some money and jewelry from my bedroom. I called the police and when they arrived I let them in through my kitchen. They said, "wow, this is worse than I thought. They completely ransacked the place". I said, "no officer, I discovered the missing items while looking for my cuff links".

Sunday, February 1, 2009


I'm ready for the big game today. Are you?