Monday, November 24, 2008

Where do they come from?

It never fails. Whenever I get in line at a cashier stand, they are always there. That person, with a big floppy purse with three or four wallets inside, all with coin carriers. That person who fumbles to find exact change amongst the litter, random packs of gum, paper clips, lipstick and other sundries. You'd think they were giving something away or offering a discount for having exact change, but they're not. That person always seems to have more than enough time to make small talk with the cashier, about the crowds or their pets or the kids or just about anything; oblivious to the mounting throngs of impatient customers backing up behind them; me included. These same people, I know for fact, never make eye contact with anyone when they're out in public and go out of their way to go out of their way to avoid strangers, but are as friendly as can be when I'm in a hurry to make my purchase, place my order or get some help. They come in all ages too. I thought that maybe just the older ones have this strange social ritual, but I've discovered that that is a misguided assumption.

Do you know anyone like this?


wildmary said...

You described me to a tee. Was that you behind me in line burning holes in the back of my head with your stare while I had my rare social exchange (and exact change) of the day??

Dave said...

Great use of "amongst".

That woman, was my mom.

Pamela Larkin said...

People shouldn't complain when you're trying to get $9.99 in change out of your purse.

Dennis said...

Dave, I'm going to try to use whilst in one of my future posts.

wildmary said...

Dave, are you saying I'm your mom??

Dave said...

No, you are pretty different than mom, but perhaps you share a habit or two :)