Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Stages of Grief

I think everyone has heard of and understands the seven stages of grief; 1) shock 2) denial 3) bargaining 4) guilt 5) anger 6) depression and 7) acceptance. It helps us cope with sad events in our lives. When you look at each of the stages you may notice that there is an odd similarity to other events and processes.
Let's look at getting arrested. You have all seven stages of grief within this process and a few more. Somewhere between shock and denial, let's call it step 1a, you have Miranda Warning. Steps 2a and 2 b involve "appointment of counsel" and and "arraignment". I'd personally place depression in parallel with nearly every step of the process; don't ask how I know this.
Depending on how lucky you were at step 2a will determine what stage 4 is. In the courts you have two choices; guilt or non-guilt as innocent people don't find themselves in such predicaments. As with stage 4 stage 5 will have a choice of two outcomes; anger or relief.
Did I say that depression follows you throughout the entire process? I guess I did. And finally, both processes end in acceptance. Yes, acceptance of your pending immurement where you'll get three square meals per day, a warm place to sleep and a full dance card, or you'll be free. How much fun would that be?


Dave said...

Right on, Bro!

HB said...

Hey man, I'm glad you're back, but I got tired of reading after about 3 sentences. You may want to watch the length of your blogs, you know, keep your readers in mind!

Dave said...

That pic hardly looks like you anymore. You have lost weight and grown the beard, totally changes your persona. Too bad it doesn't clear your record.

Personally I think you were framed.