Thursday, July 31, 2008


I saw a video on the NY Times website of a recent interview with Mark Spitz, the former Olympic swimming champion. He said something I found very profound. He said, "for that one moment in time I realized that I was the yardstick that other people measured themselves by". Wow!.......At some time in each of our lives we all could say the same thing, especially those of us with children. It caused me to examine my own life. Then I smiled. My kids are doing OK and if they are drawing inspiration from me, then I'm doing OK too.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Energy Saving

I have been thinking about upgrading my kitchen with granite counter tops. They're beautiful, easy to clean and often priced better than man-made materials. There might be another reason to get granite counter tops; energy saving. I've heard that granite quarried from Brazil and Africa can have significant amounts of radioactive uranium in them. As long as I can keep the kitchen ventilated well enough to keep any radioactive emissives out of the air, I can have a counter top that will act as an alternate cooking element; just set my pot down and watch it boil.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

I Can't Remember When My Sinuses Were So Clear

If you can't remember the last time you could breathe freely, now you will. I saw a story about Russian researchers now treating Alzheimer's patients with a drug that was originally developed as a sinus medication. The drug appears to be effective in improving short term memory and daily functioning. They didn't say if the discovery was planned or by accident. Guess it doesn't matter. We should be thankful that aunt Betty at the nursing home was whistling through her nose as she napped. I think she is.

Rock and Roll

As you can see, I'm not the only guy to make the Warp Tour a family event. This young lady seemed to be at home in a sea of tattoos and piercings. Her and her dad were havin' a good time; she's on his shoulders. BTW, you got a wrist band if you were over 21. As you can see, me and the guy in the foreground were the only adults in the neighborhood.

But Seriously Folks........

I'm taking a break from the usual stuff I post to tell you about my boys. That's Greg on the left and Joe on the right. In parent-eese they are 208 and 258 months old respectively. They'll both be seniors next year; Greg at Dearborn HS and Joe at Wayne State U. They're both terrific kids and make me proud. This picture was taken at the Warp Tour Concert at Comerica Park in Detroit. We were celebrating and there is a lot to celebrate.

You see, Joe has been working hard the last few months, preparing for the MCAT for medical college. The test date just happened to fall on the same day  as the Warp Tour, which happens to be Greg's favorite annual event; we went last year and my ears are still ringing. Greg had the idea to "treat" Joe by getting him a ticket to the event. That way Joe could join him after the test and they could celebrate together.

I have reason to celebrate too. Joe's successful college career; him taking the MCAT; Greg sharing his passions with Joe and doing something nice for his big brother. Most of all I celebrate knowing they include each other in the celebrations of their lives.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

I Know What Boys Like

This is Black Canary Barbie. She was introduced by Mattel this year. The character in DC comics has a "sonic scream" that shatters objects and renders villains incapacitated. For me, the boots and stockings leave me motionless and drooling.

Anyway, I'm thinking, what is the market for this doll?; girls who want to be super heroines, tough chicks, dates for NY governors? I think they're looking for a cross over market. Maybe this doll will appeal to some boys. Kinda like Playgirl magazine. Claims to offer fantasy to women but subscriptions and news rack sales go mostly to men. Very smart on the part of Mattel. So don't worry too much when your son asks for one. It's most likely a phase and Mattel planned it; "not that there's anything wrong with that". You might worry a little if your husband buys one :)

Monday, July 14, 2008


Someone once said that, "you never really lose until you stop trying". I guess being behind on points when time runs out isn't losing.

Saturday, July 12, 2008


This is Debra LaFave. She's the Tampa school teacher who had sex with one of her 14 year old junior high students. Her ex-husband said in an interview that if she'd have been a man and the victim a girl, she'd be going to jail for a long time; I think he wants that fate for her.

The news also interviewed the victim in this case to get his reaction to Mr. LaFave's comments. His reply was, "I"m not the victim. Tommy's the victim. She was going to do him when she was done with me".

Friday, July 11, 2008

Warm Bodies

Come to find out that the guy who hired me for my present job is only responsible for finding warm bodies and NOT disposing of cold ones. One of the guys I work with told me a story where he had to take a colleague from another assignment to the hospital for what could have been a life threatening situation. They called the supervisor to report the incident and a reply. My company must have a different department for that.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Ken Dolls

Funny how the same people keep showing up in the news these days. Two news stories have caught my eye recently. The first being Christie Brinkley's divorce and the second being Olivia Newton John's wedding. All within days of each other. Don't you think Olivia could have done better than recycling Christie's leftovers? They are the same guy aren't they? I think he was running for president earlier this year too.


I used to think that dimples are cute. That thought might have changed for me after drying off in front of a mirrored shower door. It's a matter of where they are.

Monday, July 7, 2008


Went for a physical check-up recently. The doctor told me he was going to give me a digital exam. I thought it had something to do with a computer. Boy was I wrong.........ughhhhh. He gave me a pamphlet on prostate disease that I took back to work with me.
At work, I started reading the pamphlet. After perusing the pamplet for a while I set is down, open to a list of symptoms;
a) irritability
b) back pain
c) frequent night time urination
d) loss of interest or difficulty with sex
A colleague passing my desk read the list and commented, "I think my wife has this".

Ordinary Living

Everyone lives pretty much the same's just that some of us will lose a finger.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Athlete's Foot

I have the soul of an artist...........................and the socks of an athlete.

This observation was inspired by a very dear friend's observation of me.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

It Left A Scar, Size Extra Large

Within the past two and a half years I've been left with no job, no job (I'm not repeating), no father, no cat, no appendix, no food and no belly button. What I'm left with is amplitude, attitude, certitude, crassitude, decrepitude, definitude, exactitude, fortitude, gratitude, habitude, hebetude, lassitude, latitude, magnitude, mansuetude, multitude, platitude, plenitude, pulchritude :), quietude, rectitude, servitude, solitude, turpitude, vastitude, vicissitude and what else dude. Oh, and a very large scar.