Unsure of the real definition of maverick, I went to my trusty on-line dictionary. This is what I found;
mav·er·ick (măv'er-ĭk, măv'rĭk)
1. An unbranded range animal, especially a calf that has become separated from its mother, traditionally considered the property of the first person who brands it.
1. An unbranded range animal, especially a calf that has become separated from its mother, traditionally considered the property of the first person who brands it.
Any way you slice it the term maverick isn't so flattering. I wonder if the big oil lobby has their iron in the fire?
That doesn't sound good, not at all. It's also a very cool roller coaster at Cedar Point. Of course, the roller coaster image isn't very good for a would-be prez either.
Dennis, I like your blogs. They're short, to the point and full of info! I enjoy reading them. Thanks for letting me inside your world.
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