Thursday, September 11, 2008

It's the truth!

I went on a docent led tour of the Henry Ford Museum not long ago here in Dearborn. The group was directed through a section dedicated to aviation history. We stopped just below an early commercial helicopter where our docent started his instruction. He said, "above us is an early commercial helicoter based on a design by Igor Sikorski." "Did you know", he went on, "that Igor Sikorski had a commercially viable helicopter design at the time of the Russian revolution?" I found this information enthralling and wanting to get a clearer picture of the time frame I asked, "Bolshevik?" His answer was, "no, I'm telling the truth".


Dave said...

A pretty docent story.

wildmary said...

Maybe you were "russian" "his-story" too much. Hee hee.