Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Click Here to Hear

Sorry for getting sappy two blogs in a row, but I thought I'd say something about my dad; Wendell Eugene; just Gene to his friends. These are two pictures of him doing what he liked to do best and in my opinion he did it better than most. He was one of those guys that the older he got, the larger his glasses got. Thankfully, the need for correctives lenses went away when he got his cataracts removed.

He's been gone for over a year and a half now and I'm sure I'm not the only person that misses him. He had tons of friends because he was warm and welcoming to everyone he met. I aspire to be as well liked as he was and to have a fraction of his musical talent.

Click on the title for this post to hear him play with The Radio Gang; he's playing lead.


Anonymous said...

I'm sure he's jamming upstairs with the best of them.

Anonymous said...

Well as they say"The nut doesn't fall far from the tree". I am talking about the nut on the guitar. Music is awesome.

Just a girl

Dave said...

Dude, you should pick up the axe in his memory. I'm sure you got some of his talent.

Anonymous said...

Dave...you don't know your friend very well. He does play.