Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Finger Licking Pets

One year, when I was about 7 years old, my grandmother came to visit on Easter. This was a particularly memorable event because brought us a box of live chicks. They were so cute, all fuzzy and yellow and scampering all over the place. That was one of the most fun days I ever had, but it was short lived. You see, we lived in tract housing; a real neighborhood with neighbors and schools and ordinances. Fortunately for us my parents had friends that lived on a 100 acre farm. Our precious chicks could go live there and be well cared for and we could go visit, whenever we wanted.

The old saying goes "out of site is out of mind", and this is especially true of 7 year olds and his siblings. The excitement of having the chicks had faded and the drudgery of finishing the second grade gave me more than enough to keep me occupied.

Time was slipping by and before I knew it summer was almost over. Mom got an invitation to an end of summer picnic at our friends' on the farm place. After we had dinner we could go out to the barn and visit the chicks. After all, it had been a long time since we'd played with them.

Dinner was fabulous. They had fried chicken and fresh vegetables from the farm. We had corn and celery and beautiful tomatoes. Now that dinner was over it was time to see the chicks. Can you guess where this is going? Yes, our pets were dinner. What we didn't know is that was the deal that was made for boarding them. It was a shockingly sad, but relevant lesson in life; don't fall in love with food. Well another lesson was learned; everything has a purposeful life and although not all purposes are desirable, we should be happy in our existence.


Dave said...

Tell that to your pet chickens.

Anonymous said...

I know exactly where you're coming from. I fell deeply in love with a bag of Gummie Bears and ate them all.

Alisa said...

You're preaching to the wrong choir here. I think we should fall in love with our food, but take away the part where we make it food. Unless of course you can fall in love with chick peas and carrots. I have.

Anonymous said...

You should of posted the picture of you when you were 7. The one with the bow tie,parted hair standing by the fence.

Its better to have loved and lost...then never to have loved at all. Live chicks or fried


wildmary said...

Oh, yeah, we could see where that story was going from sentence #2. Like I said in my last post, "I love food".