Sunday, September 28, 2008

Don't try this at home.

I was driving in the car the other day with my seventeen year old son. We were listening to our favorite "classic rock" station on the radio and they were playing a cluster of Beatles songs. I was in heaven. Hangin' with my boy and singing to the radio. Well at least I was in heaven. Greg turned to me less than half way through the song and said, "it's nice that you know all the words dad, but I think you should leave this to the professionals". I got the hint :)


Dave said...

Two posts in a row about singing? You must be in a festive mood.

wildmary said...

My kids used to like to hear me sing. One time Jim came in my room and said he thought it was the radio. Just a couple of years later my dreaded singing was declared off limits in the car. So sad. The end of an era.