Wednesday, September 17, 2008

With friends like this.........

The writer of The Lone Ranger must have had a tremendous sense of humor. It's always assumed that the Lone Ranger and Tonto were best of friends and participated in a mutual admiration society. Tonto was always eager to take on the difficult task conjurred by his mentor. The Lone Ranger always the figure of ingenuity and good ole fashioned American know how. I've heard stories that Tonto was a native American name that was close to "Loyal" and that Kemosabe (pronounced kee mo sobee) was a term of endearment that pretty much meant "trusted scout". We may have been misled.

When you get out your trusty Spanish-to-English dictionary it becomes apparent that these guys were pretty much just acquaintances at work and most likely dispised each other. Tonto, it turns out, means "idiot" in Spanish. It get's even better when you figure that "él que no sabe" (pronounced "l kee no sobee") translates to "he that does not know".

1 comment:

Dave said...

Good catch! I wonder how many other "Easter Eggs" there are like that out there - right before our language-challenged eyes.