Wednesday, December 24, 2008
A Special Christmas Wish

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Christmas Memories

I did lose twenty pounds last year while I was in the hospital. Unfortunately, I think I've gained forty of it back this past year.
Happy Holidays to One and All!!!!
Monday, December 22, 2008
So that's how they do that..........

So the next time you get one of these emails, please reply. These children need your support so they can learn about the world. Heck, use some of the inheritance money to buy a bunch of these xo-laptops for other children.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Good Dad

The Plan B for family transportation, and I hope it's temporary, is to let him use my Passat and for me to borrow my mother's 1996 Buick Roadmaster, like the one in the picture above. I know that it's a parent's duty to make sacrifices for the benefit of their children, but I'm thinking that this blow to my image (self image that is) may be too much for me to endure. With the Passat I could delude myself into thinking that I am sporty, green, fuel efficient and somewhat hip; hey, it's my delusion. Now, I'm that grumpy gray haired dude blocking traffic in the grocery store parking lot. I feel the urge to only drive while wearing a gingham fedora, hands fixed at the ten and two position. Next thing you know, people will tell me I smell funny. Let me stop writing and start working on a plan that fixes my image problem.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Where do they come from?

Do you know anyone like this?
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Irritated Sclera
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Artie Lang
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Too Close for Comfort

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Friday, November 7, 2008
Cherries Jubilee

One of the guys had Fettuccine Alfredo. Another had broiled sword fish. I had Stromboli and the last guy had broiled sea bass. It was a mini celebration. I felt so good that I ordered Cherries Jubilee for the three of us that had room. That turned out to be an adventure.
Scott, our waiter, who was described as one of the best "broiler men" around, was a little awkward with the table side service. Not to worry. The kitchen instructor was there every step of the way, walking him through the process. We watched amused as they performed each step; turn on the gas; press the ignitor; adjust the flame; place the pan over the flame; drop in the pre-measured black cherries in syrup; add kirsch wasser, rum and a high proof liqueur of unknown origin and POOF! we had a sizzling, sugary and flaming delight.
This delicious smelling mix was spooned over buttery looking French vanilla ice cream and topped with fresh whipped cream squeezed straight from a piping bag. My friends had never experienced such a dessert before. Mike said, "wow Dennis, this is wonderful". "What type of fruit is this?"
Thursday, November 6, 2008
There She Is, Miss Americaaaaaaa

I had already taken my seat on the aisle. The middle and window seats were not yet occupied and I was fidgeting and watching people as they are herded onto to plane. Suddenly, from the entrance came two strikingly attractive women. One was a thin, dark haired woman, who was being trailed by a very tall blond. I remember thinking to myself, "I hope they sit in my row". You should have seen me beam when they stopped and excused themselves as they slid into the seats next to me. The blond took the window seat and her older friend sat next to me.
Before long we were at cruising altitude and I could now open my eyes and release the vice like grip I had on my arm rests. In those days I was a curious lad and the ladies next to me had my full attention. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the blond preparing herself for the three hour trip as the color returned to my knuckles. She had a writing pad, a pen, a pair of reading glasses, a tennis ball on a stick and a small shoe box filled to the top with letters.
The woman next to me was sizing me up as much as I was sizing up the blond. She seemed interested in me, but in an unusual way. It's not like she wanted to know anything about me, but wanted to get my attention, as if to coax me into interrogating her. I couldn't resist. Pointing in the direction of the blond as she read, and replied to, her stack of letters I said, "your friend must be very important". With a huge and prideful smile she turned to me, looked me in the eye and said, "she's my daughter and she IS very important". Now she had me. "We're on our way to Las Vegas on business", she went on.
The blond woman had seemed vaguely familiar to me, but I just couldn't place her. "Your daughter does look familiar to me", I said, "but please forgive me if I don't know her name". "She's Phyllis George and we're on our way to Las Vegas for the Miss America Pageant". Well I'll be darned, it was indeed Phyllis George. I had seen her nearly every week those day because she was on one of the Sunday NFL football shows.
Now that the ice was broken all three of us were able to let our collective hairs down and exchange some small talk. We talked about what we planned to do in Las Vegas while we were there. I was meeting my sisters there for a little gambling R&R and they were.........well you already know. I was surprised to discover that this was only Ms. George and her mother's second trip to Vegas. Their first trip was just one year earlier.
They seemed genuinely interested in hearing my plans. Of course I had to let them know that I was an experienced gambler. After all, this was at least my third visit to sin city and I had recently gone on a weekend junket to Atlantic City. I was on a roll with my story. Jaws flapping and brain disengaged. The words were already floating through the air when I heard myself ask, "have you ever been to Atlantic City?" Arrrggghhhhh! I had just asked Miss America if she'd ever been to Atlantic City! They chuckled and reminded me that Atlantic City had been the perennial venue for the pageant but had just been moved the previous year.
They forgave me for my blunder and we were able to move on to new topics. They told me that the tennis ball on a stick was a gadget she used to relieve muscle tension. She would hold the handle and bounce the ball on her neck and shoulders. She demonstrated the technique on me and now I can truly say that I've been beaten about the neck and shoulders by Miss America.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Election Day
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Cultural Exchange

Friday, October 31, 2008
New Air Freshener
The new phone books are here, the new phone books are here!!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
What Would the Headline Say?
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Things don't always turn out as planned

Sunday, October 26, 2008
This Guy was Cool

We all know the purpose of looking cool, so I won't mention it here. I can't tell you if his "well groomed" image was effective or not, because I didn't stick around long enough to watch the show. Don't know if I'd have had the stomach to stay that long. When I looked around the room, all I could see was a room full of blue haired bar flies, waiving a cigarette around in one hand and guzzling beer straight from the long neck..............maybe he likes the metaphor.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Team Bowling

The only bad part was that the balls pick up oil and wax from the floors and machinery. Now my shirt has oils stains all over it that will take some effort to get out. If only I could have stopped at home to get my special bowling pants.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Finger Licking Pets

One year, when I was about 7 years old, my grandmother came to visit on Easter. This was a particularly memorable event because brought us a box of live chicks. They were so cute, all fuzzy and yellow and scampering all over the place. That was one of the most fun days I ever had, but it was short lived. You see, we lived in tract housing; a real neighborhood with neighbors and schools and ordinances. Fortunately for us my parents had friends that lived on a 100 acre farm. Our precious chicks could go live there and be well cared for and we could go visit, whenever we wanted.
The old saying goes "out of site is out of mind", and this is especially true of 7 year olds and his siblings. The excitement of having the chicks had faded and the drudgery of finishing the second grade gave me more than enough to keep me occupied.
Time was slipping by and before I knew it summer was almost over. Mom got an invitation to an end of summer picnic at our friends' on the farm place. After we had dinner we could go out to the barn and visit the chicks. After all, it had been a long time since we'd played with them.
Dinner was fabulous. They had fried chicken and fresh vegetables from the farm. We had corn and celery and beautiful tomatoes. Now that dinner was over it was time to see the chicks. Can you guess where this is going? Yes, our pets were dinner. What we didn't know is that was the deal that was made for boarding them. It was a shockingly sad, but relevant lesson in life; don't fall in love with food. Well another lesson was learned; everything has a purposeful life and although not all purposes are desirable, we should be happy in our existence.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Look What I Have Daddy

I struggled to contain my laughter, so as NOT to bruise my little boys ego. His mother, on the other hand, was howling and on the verge of tears when she heard those grown up words coming from an angelic mouth. I was wondering to myself, "where could he have learned such a thing?"
After a minute, she proceeded to tell me about her and Joe's day. Apparently they had gone to the grocery store to pick up something for dinner that night and they were going to surprise me. As is the case at most check out lines there was a small, but tempting, display of toy cars just at eye level for a child sitting in a cart. "Buy this for me mommy, buy this for me" was the persistent chant from Joe as they snaked toward the cashier. Losing her patience and seeking to stop the incessant chanting she said, "OK, I'll buy you this piece of s#!t, but you'd better behave yourself.
She gave him the toy and all was well for the rest of the trip; at least till they got home.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Boys Will Be Boys

Yes, I have two horse pictures in a row. I took the one from yesterday's post :)
Monday, October 13, 2008

Thursday, October 9, 2008
Poor Hef............

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Haandi Man

I found a new Indian restaurant that makes very tasty northern Indian food. Some of the dishes are cooked in pots that they call haandi. I liked it so much I made up a song. Sing it to the melody of Handy Man by James Taylor.
Hey people, gather round
Listen to what I'm putting down
Hey people, I'm your haandi man
My cousin's kinda good with a slide rule
I'm haandi with food and I'm no fool
I cook food in pots, and you know that it's truly good
If your taste buds should crave some flair
Then you have no need to fear
I cook Mughalai food, you tell all your friends
They'll come runnin' to here
Here is the main thing that I want to say
We're open 8 hours a day
I cook food in pots, you know that it's truly good
Come-a, come-a, come-a, come-a, come, come
To Six Mile near Newburgh
Come-a, come-a, come-a, come-a, come, come, come
They'll come runnin' to here
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Tough Brass Dude
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Don't try this at home.

Thursday, September 25, 2008
Anything but nasal........
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Moral Compass

Click Here to Hear

He's been gone for over a year and a half now and I'm sure I'm not the only person that misses him. He had tons of friends because he was warm and welcoming to everyone he met. I aspire to be as well liked as he was and to have a fraction of his musical talent.
Click on the title for this post to hear him play with The Radio Gang; he's playing lead.
Monday, September 22, 2008

That was a fun time. They worked very hard and played even harder and there was a good reward. What my son and I realize is the happiness is in our daily activity. We work, we plan, we struggle. This is what we're here for and we should take pleasure in our daily effort and know that once in a while we will end up winning. Winning isn't everything. What you do to get there is and I can be happy with that.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Slept like a............well, you know...........
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
With friends like this.........

When you get out your trusty Spanish-to-English dictionary it becomes apparent that these guys were pretty much just acquaintances at work and most likely dispised each other. Tonto, it turns out, means "idiot" in Spanish. It get's even better when you figure that "él que no sabe" (pronounced "l kee no sobee") translates to "he that does not know".
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Something in the Air
The Deadliest Catch

It's A Small World....

None of us in the car were particularly religulous, but I did discover that my buddy Steve had been an alter boy. This gives me a new appreciation of Steve as I too had that childhood experience. In a gesture of sympathy I said to Steve, "I was an alter boy too. Just remember, time heals all wounds". To which Steve replied, "this is very true, but it doesn't always keep you from walking funny".
No alter boys were harmed in the writing of this post. All inferences and opinions of the content of this posting are the sole responsibility of the reader and do not necessarily reflect those of the writer. The word religulous is not mispelled.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
It's the truth!

Friday, September 5, 2008
Handsome women and English comedy

Never shrinking from a challenge I sought to give my definition in terms that an Englishman could understand. I said, "Julia Child is a large-ish, motherly looking woman with a shrill quality to her voice; a lot like the typical male English comedian who does his bits in drag". "That's what a handsome woman is", I said. Now he understood.
I must have triggered some fond memories for my friend. We kept the discussion going by talking about his favorite English comedians. He ended up telling me about a popular comedy couple called Reeves and Mortimer. He sent me a YouTube link to educate me about Reeves and Mortimer.
Double clicking the link I was instantly slapped in the face by the image of two grown men in polyester clothes, singing impossibly ridiculous songs. I could understand the words but I just didn't get it. On my own I searched for more Reeves and Morimer stuff on YouTube. I was able to find a near endless supply of R&M skits and bits, all of which left me a bit puzzled.
I told my friend about watching a few R&M skits on YouTube. He giggled to himself and said, "they're brilliant!" He went on to say that most of their stuff was based on a variety of characters. I replied, "are any of them funny?"
I want my mommy..........

Unsure of the real definition of maverick, I went to my trusty on-line dictionary. This is what I found;
1. An unbranded range animal, especially a calf that has become separated from its mother, traditionally considered the property of the first person who brands it.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
New additions
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
One track mind............

One of the men there, who looked and acted a little like "the dude" but with short hair, had a way of finding a lot of correct answers. He would blurt them out as soon as his thoughts would let him. One of the questions was, "what is the highest lake in South America?" He shouted, "Lake Titicaca". Everyone was silent at the quickness of his answer. Then from somewhere in the shadows a woman's voice says, "no it's not...............you just like saying that". We all erupted into uncontrollable laughter. Come to find out later he was right, but for a short moment we had our doubt.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Do you think anyone will notice?

Monday, August 25, 2008
Hey!, where did everybody go............?

Sunday, August 24, 2008
The sign said.........

Friday, August 15, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Wheels of Fortune
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The tall one in our group is around 6' 6"; he's the one that dropped me off with the day care guys . Always interested in the lives of my colleagues I asked if he'd ever thought about swimming competitively. He said, "I think about it all the time". He went on to say that "it looks like a lot of work" and "I think about never, ever, doing anything that looks that painful......all the time".
Monday, August 11, 2008
A Funny Thing Happened On The Way...........

While my salad was being skillfully scooped and weighed, a nice grandmotherly lady walked up to the counter. She was roughly the age of my own mother and had noticeably unsteady hands. Never missing an opportunity for conspicuousness and audacity, I started a conversation with this very friendly lady. "You've got to try this Greek noodle salad; it's delicious", I said. She asked if I was having a party and I told her that I was going to a back yard picnic but was too lazy to fix something at home.
Continuing my "routine" I said, "you must have experience with lazy men laying on the sofa around your house?" She admitted that perhaps she was familiar with that particilar situation. In the same breath she went on to say that she thought that maybe I would be a good husband.
Feeling a bit impish and never willing to pass up a vertual "slam dunk" I said, "are you looking for a husband?" "If you are", I went on, "then today is your lucky day because I just happen to already be a husband." Feeling somewhat self satisfied with my show of wit I was quite surprized to hear her response. She said, "I know you probably are a great husband, but please call me if you ever feel like being bad." She's lucky I wasn't drinking milk when she said that. I'm sure I would have sprayed the walls as it passed through my nose.